ÒKPÒNÒHÌÒ / ,ò .kpò .nò .hjò / abstract noun. high publicity; wide broadcast; exceptionally loud notice or attention given to something or someone in the public space. (Used exclusively in a verbal form). Verb. nù-òkpònòhìò / ,nùò ,kpò ,nò ,hìò / Definition: To give high publicity; to broadcast widely to a large audience; to draw attention to a particular issue of public interest. Verb: Nù-òkpònòhìò: To give high publicity; to broadcast widely to a […]
Welcome back, Ki-gala.com
Welcome back, ki-gala.com We are awfully sorry to announce that our Igala studies website, https://www.ki-gala.com, is back on the Internet. We had some technical issues but are glad to say we have put that behind us. You, our esteemed visitors, are welcome back to the website. While on break, certain happenings have taken place around the world and our nation. On the international scene, the Ukrainian war still lingers and has precipitated hikes in food […]
Crooking the Crocodile
Once upon a time, a female crocodile settled on the bank of a river. One evening, as she was strolling, she chanced upon some eggs lying in a nest, partially covered. Her jaw dropped as she marveled at their freckled beauty, wishing they were her own eggs. When she got home and mentioned her adventure, seeking someone who could help her to decorate her eggs, she was directed to Mr. Tortoise. Thanking the neighbours for […]
Igala Vowels Versus English Spectre
Learning a new language is a very interesting phenomenon; but, sometimes, it is not without its own downsides. More often than not, an Igala language student is faced with occasional interference, either from another language or other language varieties, mostly through code-switching. Wikipedia defines code-switching as “language alternation,” describing a situation where a speaker ‘alternates’ from one language to another without control. It is true that the Igala alphabet descended from the English alphabet; but […]
The Igala Alphabet
The website’s in-house teacher has assumed duty in the Kigala Klassroom, beginning his teaching of Igala language from the cradle – the ABC of education, the alphabet. When a child is born, its mind is completely clean, like a blank slate or tabula rasa. Then, physical impressions and psychological responses come together to influence its mind. The child’s first teacher is, naturally, its mother; later, the nursery school teacher joins her in his education, beginning […]