A Looming Crisis for Igala and Other Endangered Languages The Igala language, once a vibrant tongue of identity, heritage, and culture, is now staring at a slow but certain death. For years, the hegemony of English in Nigeria has eroded the place of native languages in the scheme of things, leaving many speakers in fear of extinction. It is, however, gratifying to note that a new government policy, introduced in December 2022, seems to offer a […]


In Igala language, like in many other languages, one word can produce diverse meanings, depending on the different tones used to articulate it. Some of these words  are often categorized as homonyms and heteronyms. Let’s explore what they mean and look at some examples, using the unmarked word of the day: EBI. The unmarked form, ‘ebi’ is meaningless; but when it is pronounced with varied tone combinations, its meanings emerge naturally. 1. Homonym: ÈBI A […]

The Tale of the Toad Beating the Hertebeest

In the vast, untamed savannahs of sub-Saharan Africa, there roams a creature both feared and admired: the Hertebeest, “Ọ̀chàchàkolo” (or “Ọ̀chà, for short), as it is known in the Igala language. This majestic African antelope (its other name), with its sleek body and powerful legs, is the epitome of speed, strength, and endurance. Capable of reaching speeds of up to 80 kilometres per hour, the Hertebeest is a symbol of agility in African folklore, a […]

The Kindred Languages: Igala, Yoruba, and Itsekiri

During my stay of over a decade in Southwest Nigeria – precisely Lagos – in the 1980s and 90s,  I often heard people say “Igala language is an offshoot of the Yoruba language” in view of the similarities between them” I usually disagreed with them, explaining that research had established that Igala and Yoruba share a common ancestry. I also added that, along with Itsekiri, the languages form a trio of interconnected tongues. The three […]

Kigala: Speak & Write Igala

ÒKPÒNÒHÌÒ    / ,ò .kpò .nò .hjò /  abstract noun. high publicity; wide broadcast; exceptionally loud notice or attention given to something or someone in the public space. (Used exclusively in a verbal form).  Verb. nù-òkpònòhìò / ,nùò ,kpò ,nò ,hìò / Definition: To give high publicity; to broadcast widely to a large audience; to draw attention to a particular issue of public interest. Verb: Nù-òkpònòhìò: To give high publicity; to broadcast widely to a […]

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